Monday, May 31, 2010

Financial Modelling Masterclass

What is FMMC’s Benefit to those who plan to take the CFC Program?

"It’s good to note that the two training programs are really worth attending, whether you are experienced in constructing financial models and doing valuation analysis or just a neophyte. The two-day FMMC training program made me appreciate MS Excel more. I have learned a lot of functions and techniques to make my financial models easier to navigate and able to run scenarios in such a short period of time. Attending the CFC program made my financial models more precise, realistic, and smart because the program taught me how to choose the right corporate objectives. It also enabled me to evaluate corporate governance profiles and understand the concept of risk better. You should take the CFC program if you want to learn how to create realistic financial models, be able to pick the right projects, analyze project side costs and benefits, find the right financing mix, and to learn valuation principles. Incorporating learning from both programs enabled me to come up with a more reliable and dependable business financial model.”
-Dario A. Ramirez, Financial Analyst, Manila Water, FMMC Batch 10 and CFC Batch 12

"In FMMC, I learned advanced techniques in financial modeling and how to properly design my models. In CFC, we have been taught the basic foundation needed to build up our skills in valuation. Both classes complement each other because in FMMC, you are taught how to properly design a financial model. This is very helpful in the CFC class because there are a lot of computations that need a solid and well designed financial model. The FMMC program was really useful to me because I was able to compare what was taught in class to how I was doing it before. I was able to learn more advanced techniques and it gave me tips on how I can improve my own style of modeling. This skill is a basic requirement for any person in the field of finance. My line of work is not exactly in corporate finance, but I've been exposed to it because of a certain project in my job. The CFC class helped me build a more solid foundation in this area, which is useful to me since this is the career path that I want to pursue in the future."
-Stephanie Chua, Analyst, Berkely Quantitative Research Inc, FMMC Batch 11 and CFC Batch 12.

When was the FMMC Program first introduced by IFC-Philippines?

The 1st Financial Modelling Masterclass was conducted by the Institute of Financial Consultants – Philippines, last March 5 and 6, 2009 in its office at Unit 505 East Tower Philippines Stock Exchange, Ortigas Center, Pasig City.

The Program is designed for Finance Professionals who work as Finance Managers, Directors/CFOs, Financial Controllers and Accountants, Strategic Planners, General Manager and Business Unit Managers, Project Managers/Risk Analysts, Budget/Treasury Business/Financial Analysts, Corporate Finance Officers, Private Equity Officers, Engineers and Systems Managers, Economists, and Corporate Advisors.

Does IFC–Philippines Meet the FMMC Program Objective?
  • Design, cross-check, and structure financial models effectively
"Before, we used to make several graphs and multiple MS Excel files for each scenario. The class helped simplify and speed up the result required."
-Raymundo P. Cachuela, Financial Analyst, Bayantel, FMMC - Batch 11

  • Build the strongest and flexible models that can perform add-ins and make amendments while maintaining the integrity of your spreadsheets
“In finishing the course, my learning, re-learning, and real work has begun as I realized that I would need to improve and redesign our financial models for faster and easier work processes.
-Ma Rossana Magcanan General Accounting Manager, Mesco, Inc., FMMC 7

  • Apply the best model structure to get job done faster and painlessly
“I was able to discover MS Excel functions and modeling techniques that will be helpful in my work.”
-Alvin Limqueco, Consultant, San Miguel Corporation, Batch 8 – FMMC, Batch 12 – CFC

  • Learn to create and compare scenarios– base case, best case, and worst case
"The class taught me how to make better us of MS Excel in making financial projections and other financial analysis. Now, I can make my reports with only a few clicks of the mouse."
-Marie Liezl L. Soriano, Financial Analyst, Manila Electric Company, FMMC – Batch 10, CFC – Batch 6

"I have learned a lot from this seminar. All the learning can be applied in our work. This has made our work easier by giving us time to do in-depth analysis and strategic planning."
-Jenny Benedicto, Finance Manager, Jollibee Foods Corp, FMMC – Batch 6

  • Solve all financial modeling problems
I’ve been doing a lot of financial models throughout my career but after taking the FMMC program, I was able to reduce the file size of my scenarios, coming up with better and more efficient outputs.
-Marvin Lascano, Regulatory Financial Analyst, Manila Water Company Inc., Batch 11 – FMMC, Batch 12 – CFC

Join the 13th CFC Program
July 3 to August 14, 2010

Join the 12th CFC Program
June 29 and 30, 2010

For inquiries and information, please contact:

+(632) 497-1762


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